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Author: rocketman603   Date: 3/21/2022 5:36:46 PM  +23/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Ok on the web there is an interview  that Godown did a short time after after his Cherekee win. In this interview he seemed very humbled and more respectively of other drivers and their cars.  Ryan has a great team behind him and during the year more big wins will be coming

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"Modown" +40/-5 drewagood1 3/21/2022 9:32:50 AM
       "Modown"  +23/-2 rocketman603 3/21/2022 5:36:46 PM
       "Modown"  +17/-3 CSN 3/21/2022 6:46:25 PM
         "Modown"  +15/-3 Pinn 3/22/2022 6:37:49 PM
           "Modown"  +13/-1 Ghost of AC 3/25/2022 5:45:21 AM