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Author: OH PLEASE   Date: 4/11/2024 3:31:58 PM  +25/-16   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well then buy them and drop them off at the track. I am sure they would be forever greatful for your help since they cost less then a dime. If not, sit back and enjoy the racing and be thankful Grandview is still around and we have a place to go to enjoy the sport we love.

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Tires +28/-9 david walter 4/10/2024 4:04:53 PM
       Tires  +27/-18 OH PLEASE 4/11/2024 2:12:22 PM
         Tires  +26/-8 david walter 4/11/2024 3:07:52 PM
           Tires  +25/-16 OH PLEASE 4/11/2024 3:31:58 PM
             Tires  +24/-8 david walter 4/11/2024 6:11:47 PM
               Tires  +23/-19 OH PLEASE 4/12/2024 3:18:09 PM