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Sammons DQ

Sammons DQ  

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Author: What a crock of sheet   Date: 6/5/2022 9:16:48 PM  +30/-8   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Rules are rules but he's told he can come back next week with the same shock but turn it around and tape it up. Mentions to the "tech" inspector knew about it and never said anything. Guess he wanted to hold that un the back pocket to use to get his car 1 spot closer to the front.
Two hundred and fifty dollars
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Sammons DQ +28/-21 rocketman603 6/5/2022 1:03:12 PM
       Sammons DQ  +30/-8 What a crock of sheet 6/5/2022 9:16:48 PM