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bloomsburg ?

bloomsburg ?  

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Author: yeleyfan   Date: 8/15/2022 12:45:24 PM  +9/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Back in the day people wanted two races in a weekend that made sense logistically. You are correct that the economy was flourishing then. While I hope there is a quick end to this dumpster fire the bloomsburg 5 times idea on thursdays is an epic failure. A mid week show here and there that is logistically feasible would work. Unfortunately Bloomsburg has/had a lot of potential. Usac basically didn't finish the job it started and the horrible surface to this point had not been fixed. Hopefully this new clay is the answer. Id like the series to grow in respect to about 25 cars weekly. It was going that way and hopefully the tire/parts issue subsides as well as leadership deciding whether it wants to run a series or run a sprint car team. 

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bloomsburg ? +9/-1 david walter 8/14/2022 12:30:04 PM
       bloomsburg ?  +8/-2 skulldug 8/14/2022 3:59:54 PM
       usac EC  +10/-0 I’s Wide Open 8/15/2022 3:49:38 AM
         usac EC  +12/-1 skulldug 8/16/2022 2:57:37 AM
           usac EC  +8/-2 I’s Wide Closed 8/16/2022 3:42:49 AM