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Godown vs Bridgeport?

Godown vs Bridgeport?  

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Author: jimmy   Date: 4/4/2023 11:28:55 AM  +30/-12  

Read article in area auto racing news. Still can't figure out why Ryan's not allowed to race there. My 1st question is. The incident involve Ryan it was his son. Plus it happened at Motorsports not at the track. 2nd question is I don't think Doug made this decision I think his wife Brittany had a say in this incident since it involved her brother C J Fasion . As I see it Ryan should be able to race at Bridgeport. If not resolved I hope super dirt series pulls out like Brett Deyo did. JMO

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Godown vs Bridgeport? +30/-12 jimmy 4/4/2023 11:28:55 AM