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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 6/3/23 - Crate Heats

New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 6/3/23 - Crate Heats  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 6/3/2023 8:01:29 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

602 Crate Sportsman Heat Race Quick Results (8 Laps):

Heat #1: 1.) Matt Ellery 2.) Joe Toth 3.) David Burns 4.) Rick Wegner 5.) George Gareis Jr. 6.) Johnny Bangs 7.) Ricky Moran 8.) Sarah Napora 9.) Dylan Morris

Heat #2: 1.) Pat Wall 2.) Ryan Simmons 3.) David Miloszar Jr. 4.) Ryan Krushinski 5.) Joe Nappi 6.) Glenn McIntyre 7.) Bob Rambone 8.) Joe Brown

Heat #3: 1.) Aaron Weaver 2.) Mike Toth 3.) Nick Van Wickle 4.) Dan Fleming 5.) Ryan Heim 6.) Amanda Buchel 7.) John Scarpati

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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 6/3/23 - Rookie Feature New Egypt Speedway 6/3/2023 7:10:03 PM