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ARRA Sets up for the First Display of the Season this Saturday at Orange Co

ARRA Sets up for the First Display of the Season this Saturday at Orange Co  

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Author: ARRA Research   Date: 6/4/2023 8:34:06 PM  +11/-1  

   Spent a few hours today readying for the upcoming Nostalgia Night at the Orange County Fair Speedway in Middletown, NY this coming Saturday evening.  ARRA, Auto Racing Research Associates, will be making their first outdoor display that evening and will be featuring auto racing historical stats covering Orange County and also the popular Tri-Track Modified series, a fan popular Spring and Fall triumvirate of long distance events.  The Tri-Track Series will be the honored theme of this years Nostalgia Night.


 A new picture roster of the organizations 40 historian members has been added to the display boards and updated listings of all of the subjects enjoying their own pages on the extensive website!  Amazingly, the group has amassed an incredible library of subjects that have been researched and documented!  Currently, as of 6/2/23 – ARRA has a total of 654 subjects documented on their site including:

121 Tracks both active and inactive……a grand total of 439 drivers including 34 active and 88 inactive, as well as 317 indy car type division drivers…….64 auto racing organizations and series’ and a variety of 30 subjects that didn’t quite fit into a category, titled Odds and Ends. 

  “We look forward to getting up to Orange County every year for Nostalgia night!” explained ARRA President Fred Voorhees.  “I think this will our fifth year of attending and every year gets better and more and more fans are recognizing us and coming over to say hello and express their thanks for what we do for the sport’”

   Fred invites all fans attending Nostalgia Night this weekend at Orange County to stop by the ARRA display to say hello.



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ARRA Sets up for the First Display of the Season this Saturday at Orange Co +11/-1 ARRA Research 6/4/2023 8:34:06 PM