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Canadian Haze Doesn't Stop Shellhammer Action

Canadian Haze Doesn't Stop Shellhammer Action  

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Author: MRF   Date: 6/8/2023 2:57:27 PM  +26/-1  

Minimum Stoppages,Maximum Action.
The Canadian Haze was not going to stop race teams from touring the high banked 1/8th on Wingless Weds. For 17 total events and 230 laps around the Race Track by the River,only 16 stoppages were needed,some for mechanical issues,not necessarily spin outs or accidents.Positions separated by thousandts of a second,gave the fans their money's worth.
With the summertime class rotation the 270's were the 1st class out and the group of Jarrett Imler,Louden Reimert,Adam Buchel,Alex Reinsmith and Matt McAnally were only feet apart for the 1st 12 laps of the event.On lap 12 Reimert used a nice turn 2 move to get under and clear Imler enroute to his 2nd win of the season.The next 8 laps positions 2 through 6 would not have a confirmed finisher until the checker was thrown.Matt Hoffman,who was involved in a earlier race caution,had the 21H on rails passing last week's winner Adam Buchel to vault into the top 5 on lap 14,hoping for more.McAnally stayed on the throttle to get by Imler in turn 3 for 2nd place money.Reinsmith got defensive on the white flag lap to just edge Hoffman out for 4th.Buchel stayed close for 6th.Hoping for the best to Louis Horvath,Sr. who was injured prior to the event and slotting in Bryce Dodig to drive the # 5.
What a difference 1 lap makes in any race.The All Star Slingshots had a lap 1 caution and that was it as again the top 5 of Alex Lagun,Dan Lane,Jr.,Jason Dunkelberger,Tess Horvath and Colton Williams,who quickly recovered from that accident,gave the fans a good showing.Lagun had the 86 leading the field with Lane,Jr. behind,up to and aside of Alex but could not get by until Lagun drifted high in turn 4 on the white flag lap to give Dan and his 12Sr enough room to go low into turn 1 and come out with the lead and win in turn 2.Taking advantage of the racing room Dunkelberger and Williams also slid by Lagun for the podium spots with Lagun 4th and Horvath holding the 5th spot from start to finish.Tucker Cole held off a charging Wyatt Taschler for 6th.
All Chris Dolan wanted was for his 7D 125 micro to last 20 laps compared to the 19 and 3/4 it did last week.It did so in convincing fashion that once he snarled the lead from polesitter Shane Davis,the only issues were getting by the slower cars.Chris took his 2nd win of the season leaving Davis,Corey Harting,AJ Gerhart and John Maurer to battle it out amongst themselves.On lap 13 Gerhart overtook Harting for 3rd,but didn't have enough to pass Davis for 2nd,falling just .22 seconds short.Harting and Maurer had their own 4th place run to the finish with Harting to the line just .26 seconds quicker than Maurer.Easton Miller continues to amaze with a strong 6th place run ahead of Dylan Yeingst.
The Junior Slingshots A Main stayed true to lack of stoppages as the 20 lap main was completed in just 5:20.The Hailey Eroh Show started at the drop of the green and ended at the checker with a very determined Anthony Speece trying everything he had in his young career to wrestle the top spot from Hailey.He got to her back bumper in lapped traffic but that would end the threat. Behind these 2 it was a 3 position scramble with Aubrey Romig,Zack Gerber and Barry Seaman for the 1st 9 nine laps with Gavin Wolfe occasionally showing the nose of the 23 to this trio.As the 1/2 way signal was being shown 12th starting Chase Schott passed Seaman and was wired for the run to the front.Gerber and Schott both got by Speece with 5 to go and the race for 2nd was on.Eroh would win handily,Schott passed Gerber for 2nd on lap 17,with Gerber solidly in 3rd.Speece finished 4th just ahead of a fast closing Romig.Seaman got the 6th place envelope.
The last few weeks for Dakota Barlet have been nothing short of awful in his #54 600 micro. A lapped car accident while leading 1 week,mechanical failures while running in the top 3,beset the 54 the next few.Having some of Shellhammer's finest aside of and behind him,the battle was who could lead heading into turn 1 as the green was being waved.Barlet wasted little time to conquer this feat over Matt McAnally with Dan Lane,Jr. in the fold.A 3 car tangle on lap 2 found last week's winner Richie Hartman involved and heading to the rear.Lap 5 Adam Buchel had the best view of the top 3 with Trevor Kobylarz also in the mix.In 5 laps Buchel passed both McAnally and Lane as McAnally has to deal with Jase Smith at the halfway point.The show goes into drama mode with 5 to go as Barlet,Buchel and McAnally were only separated by .09 seconds as Kobylarz and Lane,Jr. were just a few scant feet behind the trio.A new face joins the clan,that being Richie Hartman who literally passed 4 cars in 2 laps.A late race yellow gave the fans a 4 car shootout with Barlet warding off runs by Buchel and McAnally to win by just .13 seconds over Buchel and ,37 seconds over McAnally.Hartman and Kobylarz both got by Lane,Jr. for 4th and 5th,as Matthew Warner drove around Lane.Jr. in turn 3 to nab the 6th spot.Hard luck going to Chris Kurtz who suffered a broken rear axle while leading his heat race and ending his night.
For Stage 1 Modified winner Logan Bauman it has been quite a ride the last 7 days.18th birthday,high school graduation and the winner of the Sportsman feature at Grandview last Saturday.The everything happens in 3's turned to 4's last night as Bauman took the Faust 5-0 on a healthy and profitable 20 lap run to take the checker.Many would challenge him along the way,Mark Mohr,Bryce Dodig,AJ Gerhart were but a few.Dodig's luck would sour on lap 8 as he pulled the #4 to the infield while running 2nd.A new face was making his presence felt as Chad Riddle moved into 2nd on lap 9 and the race was on for the victory.Bauman was getting past the slower cars quicker than Riddle who also had to contend with Mohr and Gerhart.Hard luck would strike the 44 of 4th place running Riley Wanamaker,whose car virtually went up in a stream of smoke while running 5th.Nice 3 car battle to the checker with Bauman ahead of Riddle and Mohr with Gerhart getting 4th.Another good showing for the 5Teen of Johnny Fugelo scantily getting 5th over Stephen Smith III.
The vortex was in full play last night as the haze was whirling around the speedway but not always covering it.
Special thanks to the great 4 wheeler crew helping to get the speedway in quick running order with no track packing needed for the 4th week in a row.
Again only 16 race stoppages for the night with the final checkered waved at 9:51.
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Canadian Haze Doesn't Stop Shellhammer Action +26/-1 MRF 6/8/2023 2:57:27 PM