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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/8/23 - Crate Consi

New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/8/23 - Crate Consi  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 7/8/2023 8:09:03 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

602 Crate Sportsman Consi Quick Results (8 Laps):

1.) David Miloszar Jr. 2.) Johnny Bangs 3.) James Hill 4.) Amanda Buchel 5.) Shawn Cook 6.) Zac Cook 7.) Sarah Napora 8.) Rob Tete 9.) John Scarpati 10.) Andy Walko 11.) Bob Rambone

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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/8/23 - Crate Heats New Egypt Speedway 7/8/2023 7:12:05 PM