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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/29/23 - Modified Heats

New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/29/23 - Modified Heats  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 7/29/2023 7:22:32 PM  +12/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Modified Heat Race Quick Results (10 Laps)

Heat #1: 1.) Dakota Kessler 2.) Louden Reimert 3.) Kevin Borden 4.) Billy Pauch Jr. 5.) Jack Butler 6.) Ryan Godown Jr. 7.) Brandon Grosso 8.) Steve Davis 9.) Anthony Tramontana 10.) Will Dupree

Heat #2: 1.) Justin Grosso 2.) Dominick Buffalino 3.) Ryan Godown 4.) Matt Stangle 5.) DJ Hunt 6.) Frank Cozze 7.) Paul Mancini 8.) Wade Hendrickson

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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 7/29/23 - NEWS Heat Race New Egypt Speedway 7/29/2023 6:53:27 PM