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8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Crate Heats

8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Crate Heats  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 8/8/2023 8:25:46 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

STSS Crate 602 Sportsman Heat Race Quick Results (8 Laps):

Heat #1: 1.) Joe Toth 2.) Stephan Kemery 3.) Ryan Simmons 4.) Scott Hitchins 5.) Johnny Bangs 6.) Brandon Watkins 7.) Adrianna Delliponti 8.) Matt Smith 9.) Tom Moore Jr. 10.) Isaac Elsner

Heat #2: 1.) Matt Ellery 2.) David Burns 3.) David Miloszar Jr. 4.) Pat Wall 5.) Nick Van Wickle 6.) Andrew Bohn 7.) Talan Carter 8.) Paul Hartwig Jr. 9.) George Gareis Jr. 10.) Will Dupree

Heat #3: 1.) Kyle Smith 2.) Dylan Madsen 3.) Dakota Kohler 4.) Dan Fleming 5.) Logan Watt 6.) Brian Papiez 7.) Rick Wegner Jr. 8.) Glenn McIntyre 9.) Brenden Hires

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8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Modified Heats New Egypt Speedway 8/8/2023 7:28:07 PM