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8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Modified Consi

8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Modified Consi  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 8/8/2023 8:30:52 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

STSS Modified Consi Quick Results (10 Laps):

Consi #1: 1.) Ryan Krachun 2.) Kevin Vaclavicek 3.) Corey Cormier 4.) Billy Osmun 5.) Wade Hendrickson 6.) Jeff Strunk 7.) Ryan Watt 8.) Sammy Martz Jr. 9.) Steve Davis 10.) Kevin Borden 11.) Cody Higbie 12.) Danny Hieber 13.) John Willman 14.) Ryan Riddle

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8/8/23 NES STSS Dirty Jersey 9 Quick Results - Modified Heats New Egypt Speedway 8/8/2023 7:28:07 PM