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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 8/26/23 - Modified Feature #2

New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 8/26/23 - Modified Feature #2  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 8/26/2023 9:56:47 PM  +12/-7   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Modified Feature #2 Quick Results (20 Laps):

1.) JUSTIN GROSSO 2.) Dominick Buffalino 3.) Ryan Godown 4.) Louden Reimert 5.) Billy Pauch Jr. 6.) Brandon Grosso 7.) Jack Butler 8.) Danny Bouc 9.) Wade Hendrickson 10.) DJ Hunt 11.) John McClelland 12.) Dakota Kessler 13.) Clay Butler 14.) Frank Venezia 15.) Paul Mancini 16.) Chris Grbac 17.) Kevin Borden 18.) Jimmy Horton 19.) Jesse Leiby 20.) Phil Cox 21.) Cale Zangli 22.) Steve Davis 23.) David Burns 

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New Egypt Speedway Quick Results 8/26/23 - Street Stock Heats New Egypt Speedway 8/26/2023 7:06:08 PM