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Kudos to NES

Kudos to NES  

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Author: raceasaurus   Date: 9/17/2023 9:36:20 AM  +30/-4  

I usually don't attend events when  mods are not on the card,but I'm a certified  race junkie. Whatta nite.....a bit of a wreckfest but very exciting all nite. Increased car counts helped alot along with a table top smooth dust free  multi lane surface and in my opinion the best promotion staff in the northeast.  Great atmosphere with the bike giveaways, porkroll, entertaining intermission period.  Its hard not to have a smile on your face if you like a good bang for your entertainment buck.  I also wanna thank the staff who located my keyfob that I picked up this morning.  I also wanna mention that the PA system seems to be much improved after some issues last nite. Section six is usually subject to lower volume than the rest of the facility.  Does this sound like I'm sucking up a bit.  You bet I am. NES goes all out to make the place  a great family friendly environment.  Hats off to Rick Grosso  and stafffor all his hard work paying off. 

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Kudos to NES +30/-4 raceasaurus 9/17/2023 9:36:20 AM