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Not pot stirring, just a thought

Not pot stirring, just a thought  

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Author: Sgt. Joe Friday   Date: 10/24/2023 8:39:35 AM  +16/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You make good points here. The two dirt tracks in Jersey, especially New Egypt, are almost spot on in their show. Wall needs to go back a couple of years and rid itself of it's dragged out officiating in making calls and scoring. Move the race along. If the tracks all run a tight, consistent show, it's no problem bringing new fans to the track. If you leave the track and they say "why did you bring me here?", then that's the tracks fault.

Fridays are great for fans, but I don't know any drivers in Jersey who are doing it for a living. Living in Jersey, we all know, is expensive. You need a good five day job to survive. Racing Friday means working maybe a half day Friday. The guys with money, no problem, the support division guys are another story and they pay most of the purse. Most fans do not understand, and not in a bad way, the amount of time it takes just to load the trailer alone. It's the last thing you do and it could take hours. Tires, fuel, food, drinks, clothing, and so on. Plus cleaning it.

 Also, a raindate for a Friday track of a Saturday, does not make much sense. Racing Friday and Saturday allows drivers to race two nights. More cars for each, even if there is only a half dozen that do it. 

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Not pot stirring, just a thought +37/-6 raceasaurus 10/23/2023 6:08:06 PM