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heard a rumor??

heard a rumor??  

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Author: JR Motorsports   Date: 12/8/2023 12:58:05 PM  +23/-16   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well Sources tell me down here in North Carolina that Noah Gragson will be in the 357.
Cozze is finally hanging up.
Ryan Godown is staying at NES

Kevin Hirther will find another guy to send into the wall

Duane Howard is staying at bridgeport 

Big Diamond is for sale 

Bridgeport is getting a new surface

Grandview is also going to get a new layout

Billy Pauch Sr finally retires 

So what my point its always the same rumors and the same people starting these rumors till you actually see what happens in 2024 who really cares


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heard a rumor?? +35/-4 david walter 12/2/2023 12:15:08 PM