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New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - Crate Feature

New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - Crate Feature  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 4/6/2024 9:43:12 PM  +12/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

602 Crate Sportsman Feature Quick Results (20 Laps):

1.) MIKE BUTLER 2.) Steve Davis 3.) Amanda Buchel 4.) David Miloszar 5.) Steve Kemery 6.) Andrew Bohn 7.) Matt Ellery 8.) Chuckles Stone 9.) Joe Nappi 10.) Ricky Moran 11.) Andy Walko 12.) Nick Van Wickle 13.) George Gareis Jr. 14.) Thomas Prychka 15.) John Farissier 16.) Dan Fleming 17.) Matt Peck 18.) Mike Toth 19.) Jordon Cox 20.) Zak Cook 21.) Ryan Heim 22.) Aaron Weaver 23.) Frank Frasco 24.) Ryan Simmons

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New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - Rookie Feature New Egypt Speedway 4/6/2024 6:27:02 PM