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New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - MASS 305 Feature

New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - MASS 305 Feature  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 4/6/2024 11:58:45 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

MASS 305 Feature Quick Results (25 Laps):

1.) DAVE BROWN 2.) Buddy Schweibinz 3.) Jared Kreider 4.) Ryan Stillwaggon 5.) Tim Tanner 6.) Troy Betts 7.) Eddie Wagner 8.) Jon Brennfleck 9.) Aiden Borden 10.) Joe Kay 11.) Jeff Paulson 12.) DJ Tanner 13.) Larry McVay 14.) Kenny Laureno 15.) Tim Iulg

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New Egypt Speedway 4/6/24 Quick Results - Rookie Feature New Egypt Speedway 4/6/2024 6:27:02 PM