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New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Street Stock Feature

New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Street Stock Feature  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 4/27/2024 10:54:29 PM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Street Stock Feature Quick Results (15 Laps):

1.) RON PAVIA 2.) Kory Fleming 3.) Bill Liedtka 4.) Paul Hartwig Jr. 5.) Scott Freed 6.) Darren Cox 7.) Mike Baldwin 8.) Brian Ludwig 9.) Patrick Force 10.) Spider Ensinger III 11.) Lee Allen 12.) Doug Ashford 13.) Geoff Handel 14.) Jeremy Doerr 15.) Joe Wolfe 16.) Matt Malachatka 17.) Shane Grosso 

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New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Rookie Feature New Egypt Speedway 4/27/2024 6:16:18 PM