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New Egypt Speedway 5/25/24 Quick Results. - Modified Heats

New Egypt Speedway 5/25/24 Quick Results. - Modified Heats  

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Author: New Egypt Speedway   Date: 5/25/2024 7:06:19 PM  +10/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Modified Heat Race Quick Results (10 Laps):

Heat #1: 1.) David Schilling 2.) Tanner Van Doren 3.) Tom Princiotta 4.) Kevin Borden 5.) Dan Creeden 6.) Bryan Kuhl 7.) Billy Osmun 8.) Tim Apgar 9.) Davey Sammons

Heat #2: 1.) Joseph Brown 2.) Danny Bouc 3.) Ryan Godown 4.) Paul Mancini 5.) Brandon Grosso 6.) John Aumick 7.) Dakota Kessler 8.) Jack Butler 9.) Chris Grbac

Heat #3: 1.) Dominick Buffalino 2.) Justin Grosso 3.) Frank Venezia 4.) Wade Hendrickson 5.) Jim Housworth 6.) DJ Hunt 7.) Johnny Bangs 8.) Anthony Tramontana

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New Egypt Speedway 5/25/24 Quick Results. -Rookie Feature #1 New Egypt Speedway 5/25/2024 6:31:22 PM