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7 Class Shellhammer Show Done in 2 Hrs.

7 Class Shellhammer Show Done in 2 Hrs.  

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Author: MRF   Date: 6/14/2024 1:26:37 PM  +21/-1  

7 Classes,7 Total Yellows Leads to an 8:59 PM Final Checker and Some Fantastic Racing.
The June 12th night of racing definitely gave the fans and race teams an early start home as the final checker was thrown at 8:59,with the final payout taken at 9:28.Between the heats and the A Mains only 7 total yellows were thrown with 5 of the 7 A Mains going green to checker.
The 600 micros led off the night and Adam Buchel charged past polesitter Damien Bower early in the 20 lap main to take the lead for which he would not relinquish.Trevor Kobylarz charged from his 6th starting spot to get by Bower on lap 3 and the chase was on.Behind the front running pair Bower had challenges from Matt McAnally, Chase Wehr and Chris Recchione for 10 laps with Matt and Chase both sliding by Bower on lap 16.With Buchel checking out McAnally started to quickly close in on Kobylarz,but Trevor had just enough to claim the 2nd place pay envelope over McAnally.Wehr held firm for 4th as Bower just bested Recchione to the checker for 5th.No yellows were needed and the 20 laps was completed in 3:11.
he Young Guns Jr. Sprints went non-stop in 3:15 with Paisley Crawford getting to the finish line just .199 seconds ahead of Cannon Crossley. Their main went caution free.
The Junior Slingshots saw the girls dictate the final tally taking the top 3 spots.It started with Aubrey Romig charging to the lead with Lily Barrett and Hailey Eroh closing quickly.Lap 7 saw a few position changes as Eroh got by Barrett for 2nd as Gavin Wolfe, Cheyenne Snodderly and Barry Seaman had their sights for higher finishes.Eroh got by Romig on lap 13 with Seaman and Wolfe both getting by Snodderly. The only yellow was a single car spin on lap 17 which tightened up the field for the final run with Eroh taking her 3rd win followed by Romig and Barrett. Rounding out the top 5 were Barry Seaman and Gavin Wolfe.

The 125 feature saw the top 3 of Chris Dolan,Blaire Schoenly and Dylan Yeingst hold down these spots for the final 17 laps. 4th and 5th were not to be decided until the final lap as Corey Harting slid by Shane Davis heading into turn 1 on lap 19 to get a final finish of 4th with Davis battling with Easton Miller for 5th.Dolan got his 3rd win of the season with Schoenly getting her best finish of 2nd.Race was run green to checker in 3:24.
The Stage 1 Modifieds were quite a show with AJ Gerhart,Jake Moyer,Riley Wanamaker,Johnny Fugelo and Brett Smith all looking for the fast way around the Race Track by the River and Gerhart's race pace was not to be challenged. Jake Moyer and Wanamaker got by Fugelo for 2nd and 3rd as Brett Smith found some midrace speed.Gerhart won with Moyer getting a solid 2nd.Smith overtook both Fugelo and Wanamaker for the 3rd spot with Riley and Johnny completing the top 5.The 20 lap distance was run off in 3:19.
The 270 micros had some early race yellows ,but once they got racing it was an enjoyable main event to watch.Matt McAnally used the low groove at 1 end of the speedway and the high side at the other end to go from 4th to the lead in 3 laps.Dustin Roberts quickly vaulted from his 8th starting slot to pass Jacob Neff for 2nd on lap 9 with Adam Buchel shadowing Dustin's moves to also get by Neff.Dylan Kuronya was a 5th place racer for the 1st 13 laps but got by Neff for 4th on lap 14.These 5 ran a spirited final 5 laps with Patrick Kirn finding some racing room on the lowside of turn 4 to pass Neff for 5th with 1 to go.McAnally got his 4th checker with Roberts 2nd,Buchel nipping Kuronya for 3rd by .26 seconds and Kirn slotting in 5th.
The final event of the night had the $500 to win payout envelope ready for the victor of the All Star Slingshot 20 lap race.With some momentum from her Super Saturday win,Tess Horvath has some newfound handling and speed and showed it off by grabbing the $500 payout going green to checker in 3:21.Colton Williams virtually tried a no lift pass on lap 7 that got him to the rear bumper of Tess,but not enough to challenge any further.Behind these 2 it was position swapping time with Wyatt Taschler,Darian Danyluk and Lindsey Garl all hoping to get the 20 laps completed in 3rd.Garl got by Taschler on lap 9 for 3rd with Danyluk working hard to also get by Wyatt.Entering the battle was Jason Dunkelberger setting his sights on passing Danyluk for 5th.These 5 would end up with Horvath winning,Williams 2nd, Garl 3rd. Taschler soldiered on for 4th by just .6 seconds over Danyluk with Dunkelberger missing out on 5th by .14 seconds.Another non-stop gem making it the 5th class in 7 A Mains to go green to checker.
There were no berm tire issues tonight as Dave,Jr. pulled them snug to the inside with not 1 of the 7 yellows needed for a tire hit.
An enjoyable night of racing with many of the top 5 finishers coming from midpack or farther back.
Qualifying started at 7 PM and the final checker at 8:59 PM,what a nice way to enjoy a night of racing at Shellhammer Dirt Track.
Special thanks to all the race teams and fans for attending.Thanks to tonight's sponsors,Gunther Racing,Outten Jeep Hamburg,ERMS Racing,JMF Inc and Lily Barrett Racing / TNA Fleet Service.
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7 Class Shellhammer Show Done in 2 Hrs. +21/-1 MRF 6/14/2024 1:26:37 PM