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Msg ID: 2695550 Thank you Action Track +21/-12     
7/7/2021 11:07:52 PM

Thank you Rich Tobias for having the drive and desire to put sprint cars on the track in Kutztown. Tonites show was very enjoyable. A good surface that provided good racing. Sadly the crowd was light but for those us who were there we got to see a good show. They were up at the fence and down around the bottom, plus everywhere in between. A quick tight show with plenty of action. So once again thanks to Rich Tobias for pushing to get sprint cars on Action Track USA! Great job by the teams as well. 

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Msg ID: 2695563 Thank you Action Track +30/-6     
Author:Uncle Tom
7/8/2021 6:24:20 AM

Reply to: 2695550

The crowd might have been better if more people knew about it. Nobody does a worse job of promoting shows than those in charge at Action Track, Bridgeport and Big Diamond !

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Msg ID: 2695609 Thank you Action Track +19/-15     
7/8/2021 1:00:53 PM

Reply to: 2695563

So they only reply to the original post that gets full support (👍/👎) is the one bitching about promotion. I agree these tracks arent great at it. Although Uncle Tom if you don't know Kutztown is racing on Wednesday nites most of the summer until the fair then maybe you are looking for excuses. The point of the post was to explain how good of an event it was. Track prep was good, wingless sprints are good, the 600s were good. In case you didn't get the point, the show was a good one and I hope it returns next year. Thx again Toby Jr for the drive to put sprint cars on that track.

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Msg ID: 2695620 Thank you Action Track +21/-0     
Author:Uncle Tom
7/8/2021 2:07:26 PM

Reply to: 2695609

Yeleyfan, I'm aware that they race on Weds. nights. What I wasn't aware of was that the Sprint cars would be there. I probably would have attended. The tracks that I mentioned above are simply horrible at letting fans know about upcoming events or even posting results. Since I'm not a 12 year old girl or a drama queen, I don't "do" FB. There are so many great, FREE ways of promoting their own events, yet they choose to not take advantage of these methods. Their circus, their monkeys. Do what you want, just don't bitch about lack of front gate support when you've put ZERO effort into promoting your events.

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Msg ID: 2696041 Thank you Action Track +11/-5     
7/11/2021 10:10:35 PM

Reply to: 2695620

I guess I would ask what it costs to promote their events on FB or Twitter? I believe that is free. I also believe that most people who attend local short track racing are not as you say 12 year old girls. Their may be some drama queens tho. Funny thing is I don't have an account on either of the previous social media outlets yet if I wish to read the general info of the tracks you mention I can easily access it. I'd love to know all of the "free for the tracks" places for them to put out their info aside maybe from here. If you were at any of Kutztowns last three shows or watched it on Flo then it's impossible for you not to know the sprint cars were racing the night of this discussion. I think the weather channel watching mentality had more to do with the small crowd than your they do not promote it enough theory. Please remember they didn't bitch on here about the crowd, I asked for myself. Your answer tells me that you need to be spoon fed daily all of the info so you are up to date and don't need to do any searching for yourself. Just so you know, this Wednesday is a regular show of Speedstrs, 600s and Slingshots. Thx for responding, it's clear you have an axe to grind and I hope you resolve it soon so you don't miss out on another good nite of racing like the sprint cars put on Wednesday!

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Msg ID: 2695807 Thank you Action Track +14/-0     
Author:Uncle Tom
7/9/2021 8:18:55 PM

Reply to: 2695563

Why are some responses from me posted and others arent ?

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Msg ID: 2695571 Thank you Action Track +13/-8     
Author:Bill S.
7/8/2021 8:37:27 AM

Reply to: 2695550

Sounds like 'situation normal' as far as track prep is concerns. Very few times that the track is not in great shape. And the racing is always great, especially the 600's. THEY are the show!

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Msg ID: 2695578 Thank you Action Track +13/-8     
Author:david walter
7/8/2021 10:18:15 AM

Reply to: 2695550

wingless cars were lots better then the 410 show.great 600 race

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Msg ID: 2695613 Thank you Action Track +11/-7     
7/8/2021 1:18:23 PM

Reply to: 2695550

Absolutely second everything you said Yelefan. Rich and Doug aren't scared off by iffy weather forecasts either like many tracks are. We dont have many bullrings here in the northeast, sure was great watching the USAC ECS guys (and girl) duke it out inside the tight confines of Action Track USA. Definately need to see that multiple times next year.

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Msg ID: 2695615 Infield +33/-6     
7/8/2021 1:54:59 PM

Reply to: 2695613

It may not be popular, but I think it's time to clear the infield at Kutztown. Orange County has better site lines. Most tracks now, because of live streaming, need to have clear site lines, Kutztown, for a small tarck, is pretty bad. 

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Msg ID: 2695672 Infield +18/-11     
7/8/2021 9:29:33 PM

Reply to: 2695615

Again with complaints about the event. No wonder this board is so dead. The event was a good show!! If all that gets support is complaining then I guess I missed the point of going to the races. No race or racetrack is perfect but come on. Can't anyone on this board be happy??? It was a good show. For heavens sake be happy for a change and just accept that the racing last nite at Kutztown was good and that Toby Jr's vision was realized.

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Msg ID: 2695701 Infield +11/-2     
7/9/2021 8:47:24 AM

Reply to: 2695672

The racing was excellent, would just like to see more of it. Heat race and there are cars in three and the features are worse with more people in that stand.

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Msg ID: 2695715 Infield +14/-2     
7/9/2021 10:31:27 AM

Reply to: 2695672

I guess there is a growing list of "woke" folk in the racing community now too. I've been victim of it myself more than once. Your a basher and track racist if you make a statement thats in fact constructive  criticism. There was a time not very long ago when business's in general who cared about their bottom lines would put suggestion box's up or welcome ideas from customers. I wish we could bring the good ole days back again. I have only been to Action track once due to the logistics and I'm not as big a fan of the spdstrs and 600's as I am of modifeds. I will say that racing I saw was outstanding.  My only gripe with the place was the lack of seating for fans and the parking situation. If I was in that area for some reason I would go back, but not doing a 6 plus hr round trip for a show there

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Msg ID: 2695728 Infield +14/-10     
7/9/2021 11:48:11 AM

Reply to: 2695715

Is it really constructive criticism if the track in question never sees it? What good comes of providing "constructive criticism" about a track on a message board that the track the criticism is directed at obviously doesn't pay attention to? If you want to truly provide constructive criticism to a track wouldn't it be more beneficial to reach out to the track directly with your concerns? They may still ignore your criticism but at least they will hear it. Kutztown and Bridgeport too has always been very responsive to me when I have reached out to them directly with concerns/questions.

It has absolutely nothing to do with "woke". More of a common sense thing if you ask me.

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Msg ID: 2695760 Infield +11/-3     
7/9/2021 12:36:29 PM

Reply to: 2695728

I would like to think its highly likely that the powers that be at Kutztown monitor this.........btw the person doing this message board also does business with Mr Rose .  Any business that ignores customers with many with the same gripe isn't too smart.  I wanna give Mr Rose more credit than that. I had no problems with the sitelines at Kutztown but maybe things have changed and maybe they can rectify it and maybe not.  Free speech is now more often than not considered hate speech unless your part of the "woke" side of things. I have spoke with more than track owner about concerns and suggestions and they have always welcomed listenig even if they did nothing to act on those things.  I'm always at 1 or more tracks a week no matter what. Some more than others.

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Msg ID: 2695761 Infield +9/-3     
7/9/2021 12:37:17 PM

Reply to: 2695728

I would like to think its highly likely that the powers that be at Kutztown monitor this.........btw the person doing this message board also does business with Mr Rose .  Any business that ignores customers with many with the same gripe isn't too smart.  I wanna give Mr Rose more credit than that. I had no problems with the sitelines at Kutztown but maybe things have changed and maybe they can rectify it and maybe not.  Free speech is now more often than not considered hate speech unless your part of the "woke" side of things. I have spoke with more than track owner about concerns and suggestions and they have always welcomed listenig even if they did nothing to act on those things.  I'm always at 1 or more tracks a week no matter what. Some more than others.

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Msg ID: 2695833 Infield +14/-4     
7/10/2021 9:17:47 AM

Reply to: 2695715

What the hell are you rambling on about? Nobody is "woke" if they disagree with your various complaints about race tracks. Nobody is calling you a track racist because that isn't a thing that exists in life. Tracks do no have a race in that manner. They host auto races. There's a big difference. Stop trying to play the victim.  Stop trying to relate politics to racing. Nobody here is calling you a "track racist". Me telling you that does not make me "WOKE". 

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Msg ID: 2695868 Infield +16/-12     
7/10/2021 3:16:11 PM

Reply to: 2695833

Basher can be substituted for racist.I will end with this. Any track owner or promoter who ignores teams fans and officials input, isn't too smart.  I happen to have a suggestion box at my place of my business and it will stay there until I no longer have ownership

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Msg ID: 2695917 Infield +9/-4     
Author:Doug W
7/10/2021 9:20:19 PM

Reply to: 2695868

I saw it on the calenda schedule when it first came out.

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