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Msg ID: 2699962 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed!     
Author:New Egypt Speedway
8/18/2021 3:29:51 PM
Due to the impending weather forecast for this weekend, speedway management and the monster truck event staff have decided to postpone the event until Saturday and Sunday, October 30th & 31st. Additionally, we will be having a trunk or treat on the 31st for children ages 0 to 11 for paying participants. Stay tuned for more information!
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to the event in the future!

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Msg ID: 2699970 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +20/-12     
8/18/2021 5:00:27 PM

Reply to: 2699962

NJ will be totally locked down by Halloween.

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Msg ID: 2700031 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +13/-1     
Author:44 1 fan
8/19/2021 9:07:37 AM

Reply to: 2699970

I will never agree with this guy, but this time I might have to.  Enjoy what you have now, but it could be sooner then October, same for NY.

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Msg ID: 2700087 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +11/-2     
8/19/2021 2:00:21 PM

Reply to: 2700031

Everyone had stopped watching the news including myself. We were all in so much fear before and, the state is fully vaccinated and, eight months after the second dose is a booster. 

I had conqured my fears this year since I had recieved my second dose in April and, I will be attending races in the future. REGARDLESS! 


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Msg ID: 2700039 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +15/-4     
8/19/2021 9:50:15 AM

Reply to: 2699970

Its time for people and business's to take a stand with this BS now.  Executive orders are not laws, mandates are not laws, we either stand up now or welcome this and other efforts forever

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Msg ID: 2700057 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +15/-5     
8/19/2021 11:25:09 AM

Reply to: 2699962

We comply because we think that if we do, it will end.

Because we comply it will never end.

Just some food for thought

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Msg ID: 2700104 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +18/-3     
Author:44 1 fan
8/19/2021 4:30:11 PM

Reply to: 2700057

Take a stand?...until you get the Covid.  Good friend of mine was all against the whole Covid thing and the vacciness until he spent 8 days in the hospital with it. First thing he said was "I eat my words", thank God he is recovering.

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Msg ID: 2700501 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +5/-1     
8/22/2021 3:40:36 PM

Reply to: 2700104

 I have 3 family members who are 100% fully vaccinated, and the same 3 are just getting over the china virus... looks like the vaccine did it's job.

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Msg ID: 2700168 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +16/-4     
8/20/2021 9:09:29 AM

Reply to: 2699962

Yes, and 100's of thousands die from smoking and abortion each year. So does the powers that be really care about your health? Or is it the control over you? 

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Msg ID: 2700215 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +8/-3     
8/20/2021 2:56:27 PM

Reply to: 2700168

Wow! There's alot to go over here. While i don't have the exact numbers, i'm sure thousands of deaths each year are caused by smoking and abortion. The last time i checked however, these were personal choices. Nobody makes a person smoke and nobody makes a woman get an abortion. They have the FREEDOM to make these choices which may ultimately kill them. I highly doubt anyone has made the choice to get Covid. Do the powers that be really care about my health? Well, they do put warnings on cigarette packs telling me that smoking is bad for my health and could cause lung cancer. They don't say i can't smoke though. I know many states make a woman visit an abortion clinic multiple times before she can have the procedure done in an effort to try and change her mind. They don't say she can't have an abortion though. They have made free vaccines available for Covid so people can have some protection from this illness that is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. They don't make you get it though. I have a 10 year old daughter who is too young to get vaccinated yet. If she gets Covid from some asshat because they refuse to get a vaccine that will save lives because they won't let the gov't tell them what to do, God help them if i find them! Seems to me that maybe the gov't cares more than you think. i have no doubt that you you are a stand up, God fearing, tax paying, law abiding citizen. Speaking of taxes, did you pay those because you wanted to or does the gov't have control over you? Food for thought.

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Msg ID: 2700381 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +6/-1     
8/21/2021 9:00:41 PM

Reply to: 2700168

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Msg ID: 2700782 New Egypt Speedway Back to School Monster Truck Summer Smash Postponed! +6/-0     
8/25/2021 10:32:29 AM

Reply to: 2700381

How does a weather related cancellation turn into an idiotic politcal debate. Rediculous.

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