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Msg ID: 2780327 Orange County Fair Speedway  +20/-1     
4/20/2023 7:53:45 PM
Racing on Saturday night will begin a half hour earlier than scheduled. The entire schedule including gate openings has been moved up a half an hour to address changing weather conditions. We will also try to run the program off in a timely fashion. Thank you for your understanding.  revised schedule is posted. 

Msg ID: 2780362 Orange County Fair Speedway  +15/-2     
4/21/2023 9:04:26 AM

Reply to: 2780327

maybe a noon start will get it in


Msg ID: 2780440 Orange County Fair Speedway  +20/-0     
4/21/2023 8:48:18 PM

Reply to: 2780327
Shouldn't all tracks try to run their programs off in a timely fashion EVERY race and not just ones threatened by weather?
