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Msg ID: 2811664 Tires +28/-9     
Author:david walter
4/10/2024 4:04:53 PM
When is Grandview going to put walls in turn 1&3??? Much needed tired of All the yellow's because of tires dragged out on worked great in 2&4 when they put walls up. Wake up Grandview.

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Msg ID: 2811738 Tires +27/-18     
4/11/2024 2:12:22 PM

Reply to: 2811664

Maybe you should put the money up to do it! Rather than complaining on here, maybe you should go ask them directly. Grandview staff always available after the races and would be happy to talk to you. JMO

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Msg ID: 2811744 Tires +26/-8     
Author:david walter
4/11/2024 3:07:52 PM

Reply to: 2811738
I guess you enjoy all the yellows? It's an easy fix just put Jersey barriers there like other tracks do they have enough of them sitting around wouldn't cost them a dime.

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Msg ID: 2811746 Tires +25/-16     
4/11/2024 3:31:58 PM

Reply to: 2811744

Well then buy them and drop them off at the track. I am sure they would be forever greatful for your help since they cost less then a dime. If not, sit back and enjoy the racing and be thankful Grandview is still around and we have a place to go to enjoy the sport we love.

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Msg ID: 2811757 Tires +24/-8     
Author:david walter
4/11/2024 6:11:47 PM

Reply to: 2811746

guess you cant read. they have them.

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Msg ID: 2811803 Tires +23/-19     
4/12/2024 3:18:09 PM

Reply to: 2811757

Where? I have been going to grandview for years and I havent seen a stock pile of them laying around? if they are there, maybe you should volunteer your time to help put them up. I am sure they would love the help.

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Msg ID: 2811888 Tires just once. +22/-5     
Author:david walter
4/14/2024 12:39:08 PM

Reply to: 2811803

only one time tires were out on track. made for very good nite of racing modifieds & sportsman.

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