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Msg ID: 2814990 Tipping point +12/-7     
5/19/2024 10:21:14 AM

NJ racing is snakebit with weather, I got a real ugly taste last nite at Bridgeport.  Nice crowd in the stands patienly waiting 2 plus hrs or more for some of us.  Track looked good except for the last half groove on the bottom. They announce it will take another hr to get the track ready..........and then follow that with cancelling the program.  I bet if they polled the fans in attendance all of us would have gladly waited.  1 more hour would not have been that big a deal.  It was very disrespectful slap in the face to the fans.  It boggles my mind why the tracks won't try and change to Fridays with a Saturday rain date.  That would work best for NES IMO, Bridgeport Saturday with a Sunday rain date. At some point ya gotta try somethig else because at this rate there will be no more dirt racing in NJ. Last yr they both alot of shows and this yr is just as bad or worse.  I'm about to throw in the towel and find another form of entertainment.  This sux

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Msg ID: 2814992 Tipping point +10/-0     
5/19/2024 10:32:35 AM

Reply to: 2814990

It was announced that a pole of the drivers did not want to race.

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Msg ID: 2815000 Tipping point +20/-4     
Author:Bill S.
5/19/2024 11:58:49 AM

Reply to: 2814990

Add to all that they did not offer to return your money.  There were some very irate fans at the gate hoping to get their money back.Yes the track said you could use your wrist bands for a future race but what about the people who could not return in the future. Those that came great distances or have scheduling conflicts. Not very fan friendly. And fans will remember this and think twice about attending a race at that track. This is not the first time this track has screwed the fans!

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Msg ID: 2815064 Tipping point +14/-0     
Author:Alan Moore
5/20/2024 12:35:54 PM

Reply to: 2814990

Can't comment on the spectator admission side of things, but a second drivers meeting was called by DR and he gave all the teams a choice. He presented the options of waiting it out to run the track in or packing up and going home. The majority of teams chose to go home. 

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Msg ID: 2815066 Tipping point +12/-6     
5/20/2024 1:17:43 PM

Reply to: 2814990

I'm in the minority but I think both tracks racing on Saturday is good for racing. Right now you have 55 modifieds racing in the state. You certainly wouldn't have that if only one track was racing. They do need to work together. A saturday raindate for a Friday track makes zero sense.

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Msg ID: 2815082 Tipping point +15/-4     
5/20/2024 5:50:35 PM

Reply to: 2815066

It might not make sense to you, but if this continued weather pattern cancelling shows goes on another year or 2 there wilk be no dirt racing in NJ.  I guess prayer is an option, but that's failed us too.  My main point was the fans would have gladly stayed another hour to get to see a show.  Yes the teams should have some input, but just snubbing the dwindling fan base is a recipe for everything coming to an end. Refund should have been honored to those who wanted one. Many fans including myself only attended becuase the 2 other closest tracks cancelled, so the wristband option isn't a good option for every fan.  I attended the last show last yr at another track that rained out before the show got started. I showed my wristband this yr and was told they wern;'t being honored.  It's penny wise and dollar stupid for tracks to thumb their noses at the fanbase.  Attendance is dwindling and that kinda BS isn't helping.

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