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Msg ID: 2818068 Dogs +24/-5     
Author:david walter
5/28/2024 6:13:17 PM
Why do people bring dogs to the races? Especially at a special show when you need all the seats also should be no stadium seats...

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Msg ID: 2818078 Dogs +23/-5     
5/28/2024 8:55:18 PM

Reply to: 2818068

Was at BAPS couple of weeks ago and saw three people with dog. It is totally ridiculous to bring a dog to the races. Those that do are just waiting for someone to say something about their beloved pooch so they can go off on them. Management should just sto them at front gate. The dog owners of today think FIDO should go everywhere with them. Dog owners, leave your four legged family member home, he isn't appreciated in the stands and neither are you!

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Msg ID: 2818161 Dogs +21/-5     
5/30/2024 8:00:23 PM

Reply to: 2818068

To each his own.  I love dogs more than most people and all the dogs I have ever seen at the races are more behaved than many of the humans. Having said that I wouldn't take a dog to any races due to the noise factor, potential lawsuit factor not to mention " mother nature " calling reasons . I go to races for my enjoyment and watching a dog takes away from that for me. I do respect other peoples choices in bringing them if thats what they wanna do and the dogs aren't vicious or misbehaving that might  ruin other fans enjoyment. Freedom has eroded immensely during my life. I'm in my 60's and the list is too long especially in the last 20 plus yrs.  

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Msg ID: 2818176 Dogs +20/-0     
Author:Bill S.
5/30/2024 9:54:09 PM

Reply to: 2818161

A dog's hearing is very sensitive. Having to endure the loud noises at a race track can do irrreverible damage to their hearing. Give the dog a break, leave it home where it is nice and quiet.

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