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South Jersey Dirt Racing

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I would like to chime in on a demographic of race fans that frequently get branded with the "track basher" moniker and how  they are killing the sport.  I don't buy it a bit.  The invent and use of social media does way more to inform fans than it does to chase them away. In my 58 yrs of attending, being a team member, sponsor and track employee I have been guilty of both being critical as well as singing the praises throughout the years. I don't care what businees any one is in the same succesful business rules apply.  Welcome your patrons criticisms and when its warranted or makes sense make some changes to accomodate them. Any east coast lifer race fan has witnessed bad management that creates self inflicted wounds that chase fans, sponsors and teams away.  Sometimes it comes in the form of experimentation trying new things.........sometimes they work sometimes they don't.  Sometimes its hiring people who are not suited for the job. The business side of short track racing comes with built in risks many other business's don't deal with.  Its seasonal, highly dependent on accomodating weather, and competing against other venues for dates, location, traffic matters etc. The bills don't stop coming in the mail for the months your not in operation.  We all have experienced bad nites at some events.  Yellow fever, delays for damage, ambulance issues and various lengthy delays but those things are alot more tolerable than the  self inflicted wounds management has control over. Grandview was a very well ran well oiled machine. None of us want5 to see it go, but I think if we thought about being 80 plus yrs old and you can retire with a nice return very few of us would argue with her decision. Its hers to make not ours.  Its not gone yet, maybe the poers the township powers that be might put the kabosh on it.  lastly the upside is Grandviews potential demise will be Big Diamond, NES and Bridgeports or other venues gain for some new teams and fans to patronize