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I used to feel like you do, but after Bridgeport's last reconfiguration I'm good with it being downsized a little.  Its a wash to me as far as wear and tear on race cars...........Smaller makes for tighter closer racing, maybe a few more skirmishes, but at the same time its easier on motors and  drivelines. 4/10 isn't that much smaller and if there is more bank in it the speed difference will only be noticable on the straights, the corner speeds will be about the same. Deyo seems to have the midas touch with almost all of his endeavors. The worst part about Georgetown for me is the grandstands. Way too tight with knees in peoples back, no aisle space to move in and out.  They should also maybe make the top 2 or 3 rows reserved so we don't hqve all the blankets and plastic self entitled reserved seating skirmishes that happen there.  Last Georgetown show there was a dust up in the stands about that with a number of people in the section I was in. I get there 5 hours early to put my one seat in the stands and some rude tough guy moved my seat down. He had more than 2 rows taped with plastic reserving about 20 seats . Thats BS. We had a brief meeting of the minds and I said my peace.  I come to enjoy the races not to have dust ups with rude ignorant people Its just a matter of time before someone loses his temper. Mr Deyo if you read this please take some action to rectify this.  Its not an unsolvable thing. I'd gladly pay more to get a better seat and others will as well. I get pit passes most of the time.