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With the numbers I'm hearing that are being thrown out there, I agree that it's a smart financial decision with the state of racing these days.  But lets acknowledge that it isn't just the 'fans' have that somewhat contributed to the lack of desire to continue to operate the track on a weekly basis.  I'm sure that Tina has had just about enough of dealing with the race teams as well.  They too can be just a guilty of abusing the priviledge of having a facility operate every week to go out and live their racing dreams.  With the crowds they draw for special shows, it would appear that they could just run 6 or 8 of them a year and maybe make a profit, but why make the effort if they can just cash in and be sitting pretty?  There are so many reasons to sell, but at least we can all enjoy one last 76er in a couple weeks and get one last look at a track that gave us a lot of good memories.  Thanks to all who continued to keep the place running as long as it did.