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Author: Fred Voorhees   Date: 10/12/2021 8:23:18 PM  +43/-9   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Brodix has no authority to disqualify Pauch on the motor issue.  That is quite the silly statement.  The extent to what they did and what they can do is report back on their findings.  And after talking to Joey today on the phone...I now understand why Brodix wants to stay as much out of it as possible.  According to Joey, as we all know...the motors are sealed.  According to Joey, the seal on the motor that came out of the Holsten #96 that night wasn't tampered with.  Therefore, it pretty much indicates that the Holsten team had nothing to do with the slight nick that was to blame for the infraction and subsequent disqualification.  Since the engine was still securely sealed when the motor heads were would seem that the people who last fooled with it would be to blame. my way of thinking...if this motor came from Brodix with that seal...or came from Brodix to someone who actually did the inspection prior to attaching that label on the would seem that the Holsten team would have a little lawsuit for providing an engine that did not meet specs.  They DID say that the little scratch did not enhance performance at all...possibly a way to minimize the damage to their rep.  But, to punish the Holsten team and take away Pauch's championship was completely wrong.  Joey promised me to get me the number for the guy at Brodix so that I could talk to him....for some strange reason...he hasn't gotten it to me yet.  I would definitely like to get the Brodix side of the story.  We shall see if I get that number.  I can always find it myself if need be.

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