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The unconfortable truth

The unconfortable truth  

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Author: Dirttrackfan61   Date: 9/29/2022 3:23:35 PM  +13/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Grandview's fate is in the hands of a few people in the township. Really just comes down to if they like the track or view a junkyard as an upgrade or downgrade revenue wise. Remember, zoning has its purpose. People need to respect that, even if it means losing millions. The track was built on basically worthless hilly land with powerlines on it. Now, 60+ yrs later it has value but changing the zoning isnt fair to those that live near it. The property owners nearby absolutely have a say in this.The Nazareth Mile and Flemington Fairgrounds both were zoning changes which ended the speedways from ever operating again, but that was the wish of the townships at that time, to get rid of the tracks. I know the Rogers want to sell but it doesn't mean the buyer gets to do whatever they want. You could put 5000 townhouses on that land too but residents don't have to allow it. We shall see what round 2 brings. 

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Save Grandview Petition +31/-24 Clark W. Griswold 9/27/2022 2:31:11 PM